On this day in 1992 the original 11:11 event occurred. At the time I dismissed it as too far out on the very edge of New Age bullshit but something gradually began to stir inside me and the more I found out about it I came to recognise it as an extraordinary manifestation. This summary was originally written for my
Avalonian Aeon but was edited out for reasons of space.
2018 update. This 11:11 material has now been included in my book
Atargatis along with further personal material concerning how I connected to it in my own way.
The details are primarily my summary of two books by Solara,
The Star Borne and
11:11. Most of the photos here are from the website of Solara, where a 27 page photo album has recently been uploaded, along with further details of 11:11 which is an ongoing process.I do not necessarily endorse all of the material and have made my own way with it but I do believe it is carrying some important voltage.
“We are vast starry beings of Light who are no longer limited to and bound by the illusions of time, space and matter.”
Solara. 11:11.
Solara in the midst of the Egyptian 11:11 "Starry Processional".
11:11 was another epic global New Age event like the Harmonic Convergence. It took place on January 11th 1992. One person was primarily responsible for its manifestation. Solara was the recipient of visionary experiences that led her to speak of a cosmology that echoed the early Gnostics. In the beginning was a vast star of light. It exploded, sending its particles ever outwards into the formless universe. The human race are fragments of that exploding star, largely forgetful of our origins, exiled in matter. The time has come to make the journey home, to return to source. Solara’s book,
The Star Borne, dealt with this theme.
“The Star-Borne are all of us presently incarnate who know that we originate from somewhere beyond this planet.” Everyone really fits into that category but there are those who remember, those who are starting to, and those that are in denial.
With the advent of digital clocks, there were some who found themselves repeatedly noticing 11:11. That particular number combination stirred strange feelings. Solara felt that it was the beginning of the revealing of what she called
“sealed orders.” “11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed within our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter, which, when activated, signifies that our time of completion is near.” The only way to fully access the programme involves
“reuniting with your Higher Self, your Angelic Presence, and your Starry Overself.”
Temple of Horus at Edfu. A place where the 11:11 "sealed orders" had supposedly been left in clear sight.
There are times when opportunities arise for accelerated evolution. Portals open that some can make use of for the journey home. The last one had been at the time of the disappearance of the Atlantis era civilisations. Some deliberately stayed behind. Their mission was to remain to help activate the next portal, many incarnations in the future. That time had come. It would begin on January 11th 1992. The
“Starry Family” was being called homewards. The portal would remain open for twenty years, finally closing on December 31st 2011. That’s near enough to the Mayan calendar/McKenna omega point zone to be considered part of the same process. Solara spoke of the
“Great Central Sun” in a way not unlike Arguelles.
It all took quite a bit of arranging. A series of preparatory Activations set the scene in 1991. Solara visited Australia, New Zealand, and Hawaii, experiencing Lemurian memories. Synchronistic strangeness accompanied her. Booked to appear at the Tauhara Centre in New Zealand, she pondered the possibility of a low turnout as she was all but unknown there. Prior to her arrival, all the clocks in the place stopped at 11:11.This was enough to encourage the people there to investigate further. Over a hundred turned up, including some Maoris. From there, she travelled on to Brazil.
Omens of the work in progress were divined amongst other manifestations. Some of the more elaborate crop circles of the “dumbbell” type had apparent elevens on either side of the line joining the two circles. Solara interpreted this as representing the
“two spirals or Great Central Sun Systems connected by the Doorway of the 11:11.”
Glastonbury was visited in October 1991
.“Because Glastonbury has been one of the most powerful vortexes on the planet, it has also served as a major battleground for duality.” Solara and her mates anchored the Template of Oneness in the Tor.
“A hard knot of dark magic was dissolved forevermore and although outer forms may continue on, the root is gone, so the outer expressions will become increasingly transparent until they fade away into Oneness.”
Things got a bit cosmic in Egypt. Whilst resting on her hotel bed, Solara left her body to fly into the Great Pyramid and into the “sarcophagus” in the Kings’ Chamber. Above her was a sphere of white light, which lifted her upwards, into and through it. She was heading towards the Greater Central Sun. Having travelled as far as was possible towards it, she was met by a large rectangular tablet which entered her body through her head. This was the download of final 11:11 details. The next morning she was physically inside the sarcophagus. A host of Egyptian deities turned up to offer encouragement. On another day there was a dawn meeting with the Sphinx.
“I assumed my vast, starry body and stood before the Sphinx. I activated his wings and they unfurled majestically. He was so magnificently handsome! Then I delicately sat on his back and he arose into fullest flight. Together we flew right up into the Heavens and soared right through the Doorway of the 11:11.It was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life- no, of my entire cycle of earthly embodiments.” During this adventure the location for the vital Egyptian part of 11:11 was determined. It was in the ruins of a Temple at the base of the Pyramid of Mycerinus, the smallest of the three.
A vital part of the work concerned
“the completion of duality and the anchoring of the Template of Oneness.” This involved the constellation of Orion,
“the Master Template of Duality for this dimensional universe.” “Orion is divided into three zones. The upper zone is ruled by the star Betelgeuse. Located here are the Councils of Light. The lower zone is controlled by the star Rigel and is the home of the Dark Lords. In the central portion of Orion is a Zone of Overlap which contains the belt of EL.AN.RA. This area could be referred to as the Great Light for it represents the sacred, alchemical union of dark and light merged into One. The Zone of Overlap is served by Lord Metatron and the Council of the Elohim.” “The three stars in the belt of Orion, what we call EL.AN.RA (Mintaka, Al Nilam, Al Nitak in traditional astronomy) are the main control points or pins which hold our dimensional universe into position. Along with Polaris, the Pole Star which aligns our planet to it’s rotational axis keeping it pinned on the Golden Beam, these three stars are the key areas to watch during our passage through the 11:11.”
Solara wrote a whole book on the subject entitled
EL.AN.RA The Healing of Orion. I tried to get into it once but personally found it all but unreadable. One useful idea that does come from the Duality consideration concerns human incarnational patterns whereby we may play out the roles of the Lords of Dark and Light (Feminists may ponder what happened to the Ladies of Dark and Light in all this?). Both are illusion. They are outshined by a more abiding truth of ultimate unity.
“It is through the central star in Orion’s belt, the star of AN or Al Nilam, that we shall travel as we make our homeward journey. This star contains the All-Seeing Eye of AN which is the entry point for the doorway of the 11:11. J.J. Hurtak’s book, The Keys of Enoch refers to the alignment of the Eye of Horus with the All-Seeing Eye of God in the apex of the Great Pyramid. (Key 205). This describes the alignment of the All-Seeing Eye of AN with the One Eye. When these eyes overlap, within us and without us, the Doorway is opened- the Great Pyramid becomes an Antarion Conversion- the Zone of Overlap activates- and our vast journey begins.”
It wasn’t until 1994 that Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert’s
The Orion Mystery began a virtual industry based on the alleged correlation between the Giza Pyramids and the three stars of Orion’s belt. This idea was central to the 11:11 vision. Solara clearly states the major influence of the enigmatic JJ Hurtak and his weighty tome
The Keys of Enoch on her work. Hurtak appears to have been pursuing Giza/Orion links as far back as the seventies. Solara’s ideas didn’t arise out of a vacuum. Nonetheless, the vast epic that became 11:11, was primarily her unique work.
Solara spoke of two grid systems that encircle the planet. The “B Grid” consists of a lattice of pulsating light lines. Where they cross, a vortex comes into being. The vortex sites are the famous power zones like Glastonbury and Shasta. A “Master Grid” underlies the system.
“It contains the Master Coding for the entire planet.” Within it can be found information concerning Master Grid Vortex sites and a timetable for their activation. Eleven will be switched on by 2011. For this to happen
“an alignment must first take place between a potential A Grid Vortex and an existing, activated B Grid Vortex. This means that they must be located on a direct vertical trajectory. Secondly, the Master Grid vortex must receive activation before a Master Cylinder Vortex is created. This dual activation forms a double helix spiral which creates a channel for the anchoring of a formidable beam of light which emanates from the Greater Central Sun.” In 1991 the only functioning Master Cylinder Vortex was at the Pyramids.
As part of the 11:11 preparations a second Master Cylinder Vortex was activated on the south island of New Zealand.
“As it represents the Alpha Point for the planet and originates from the Greater Reality, it is of a much greater vastness than any previous Master Grid Vortex.” The site was a huge triangle with points at Queenstown, Te Anau and Milford Sound.
The 11:11 ceremony was going to be most importantly anchored in Egypt and New Zealand. There were significant differences in what was being planned to the Harmonic Convergence. This time it was not just a case of going along to a sacred site and simply being there. Participants were urged to dress in white. A series of
“Unified Movements” were performed in set sequence, creating
“Wheels within Wheels.” The movements had names like
“No Time,” “No Space,” “No Duality,” and the
“Antarion Conversion.” They looked a bit like Tai Chi. There was also a kind of dance called the “Starry Processional.” It involved coming together in a star shape in order to realign with the original Star of Oneness.
It would all begin at 11:11am on January 11th. As each time zone reached that time, another sequence of movements began. A cosmic witness would see a wave in motion across the planet. When 11:11pm arrived in New Zealand, a second sequence of Unified Movements would begin, sending out a further wave. At 11:11pm GMT all the worldwide groups would perform the Unified Movements in synchronisation. This represented the moment when the doorway opened. From outer space it would seem as if wheels within wheels were turning,
“like the internal cylinders of a massive lock.” The sign of the two waves has supposedly been awaited by the Silent Watchers of the world’s destiny for aeons.
“It signifies that our planet is ready to ascend into a Greater Central Sun System and to undergo a shift in spirals.” The conclusion would come as the last time zone completed the 11:11pm movements.
Only our unified presence could take us through the 11:11doorway. That unity would take the form of a vast white bird made up of numerous small birds in one synchronised formation. Solara called it the
“Birdstar.” “It is our vehicle for mass ascension.” The enormous size of the bird dictates that it will take the full twenty years that the doorway remains open to pass through it. We have created the Birdstar ourselves. Each of us has a specific position within it. Knowing where that may be assists each individual’s divine mission. Some will be in the head, or wings or tail. Meeting others similarly placed establishes instant affinity.
When all the cosmic sci-fi stuff started happening, our home planet would be getting some action as well.
“The Earth is a starry being, just like us. She is reclaiming her Divine Birthright and Heritage and donning her form of Light. Earth is transforming into a star! She will be travelling through the 11:11 in the heart of our Birdstar.” Participants would
“serve as the midwives for our planet’s rebirth. This is how we become the ultimate environmentalists.” Some of this got presented in a form that may be a bit difficult to accept. The Templates of Duality and Oneness are going to move out of
“positional alignment.” The planet will then shed its skin.
“All that is anchored in duality will be removed. This includes not only environmental pollution, but the portions of humanity who choose to remain in duality. All this is going to take place painlessly, in the flickering of an instant.” That doesn’t mean some spectacular cosmic conflagration. The next morning things would appear to be the same.
“The only difference is that some of us will be missing. This isn’t as grim as it may sound, for the very memory of our existence will fade away instantly, so you will have no one to miss.” Before the doorway closes on December 31st 2011, the Earth will shift on its axis. I detect more than a sniff of the Evangelical Christian Rapture in all this and it's not to my taste.
News of the intended event spread through the New Age grapevine. January 11th 1992 proved to be a truly extraordinary day. The major sites in Egypt and New Zealand supposedly anchored two power beams deep inside the Earth, enabling smaller ones to enter in numerous places elsewhere. Whatever one can say about that belief, the global human statistics of the event were remarkable.
Five hundred people from thirty countries gathered at Giza. A relay team performed the Unified Movements there for thirty eight solid hours. It began when the first time zone on the planet reached 11:11am and ended as the last time zone completed their 11:11pm movements. Human Potential pioneer Jean Houston focused ninety people at the Temple of Karnak. There was a gathering to perform the movements in New York’s Central Park and by the Washington Monument. Some chilled in waters off Hawaii with dolphins. Haleakala crater was staked out. Fifteen hundred turned up at the Pyramid of Kukulkan in Chichen Itza. A thousand at Teotihuacan, Three thousand Mayans at Palenque. In Australia, orange lights were seen in the sky above Sydney by thousands. There was major front-page press coverage in Brazil. The Unified Movements were broadcast live on national TV at various stages of the day, from a gathering of three thousand in Sao Paulo. Viewers were encouraged to join in. Events took place in Puerto Rico and Columbia. In Ecuador, eleven people hiked for four days to an ancient site deep in a rainforest. There were participants in Nigeria. A group assembled atop Glastonbury Tor. The tower was encircled during a marathon performance of the Unified Movements. Reiser’s morphogenetic maze no doubt responded. Perhaps the Aquarian Phoenix and the Birdstar conjoined in some way. Avebury likewise got the treatment. There were even people tuning in at two sites in Antarctica. One dude made it to the goddamn North Pole!
View from the third Mycinerus pyramid
A large number of participants had major experiences of altered states. The presence of Angelic forces was widely reported. An ET flavour was inescapable as well. More than anything though, it was a feeling of love-bliss that pervaded the occasion. It seemed totally clear to many that something immense really had happened. One of the processes Solara recommended for reconnecting to the part of oneself that was heading back home to the Star, was trying to find one’s Angelic name. It’s a measure of the event that there are people still using the names they intuited then. It did change their lives forever.
I increasingly came to feel, against my better judgement, the rational part of my brain, and the post-modern ethos of the zeitgeist, that the 11:11 event really was an immense mass initiation of some kind whose ripples are still working through spacetime. However much I was temperamentally disinclined to accept New Age Ascension Rapturespeak, something gigantic had surely occurred.
Can be downloaded cheaply from various sites.
The German musician Christoph Hausmann was present at the event and went on to co-create the
Projekt Erde 11:11 album. This is, in my opinion, not a blandly offensive New Age piece but a superb evocation of deep space. Highly recommended.