Aleister Crowley and the Aeon of Horus contains an extensive consideration of the enormous Montauk corpus. I believe it may well be the largest treatment yet seen outside the circle of its immediate proponents such as Peter Moon (pictured above from
The basic material and the manner of its presentation has been controversial and is often derided. I include below a selection of paragraph extracts that I hope serve to indicate how interesting this modern legend is, my own attitude towards it, and why I would include it in my work.
An even more extensive treatment of Robert Anton Wilsons' Cosmic Trigger precedes it, alongside John Keel in a section entitled Extra-Terrestrial Gnosis which is of central importance in the book and conjoins with the Montauk material to establish an even greater perspective.
I am covering a vast amount of ground in the optimistic belief that people still read books and find certain aspects of life on this planet to be of a modicum of interest.
From the section entitled The Montauk Legend.
What can be termed the Montauk Legend might just be the most outrageous story ever told. The saga manages to contain so many modern classic conspiratorial elements as to feel like every episode of the X Files combined and then some. Its main chronicler Peter Moon likes to point out that the first published account of Montauk appeared before the show made its TV debut. Crowley and Jack Parsons’ Babalon Working become a constant theme in the unfolding legend and they are not treated negatively. Pyramids of Montauk states clearly that ‘Both of their writings reflect the fact they were warriors for consciousness.’ At various points in the proceedings Peter Moon comments on and interprets The Book of the Law, eventually coming to feel that he understood its ‘Key’. Regardless of the veracity or otherwise of its material, Montauk is a major modern myth and to find Thelema as a significant core element within it seems to me to be yet another indicator of the power and nature of the unfolding Aeon.
In the pages of Preston Nicholls and Peter Moon’s The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time, Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity, Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness, Encounters in the Pleiades: An Inside Look at UFOs, and Moon’s solo Black Sun: Montauk's Nazi-Tibetan Connection, Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal, The Montauk Book of the Dead, and the novel, Spandau Mystery, can be found Crowley, the Babalon Working, Scientology, pyramids of Egypt and Mars, historical and legendary ancient civilisations, sacred geometry, a planetary grid of sacred sites, mind control, ETs, Illuminati, New World Order, Nazi occultism with its Antarctic, Tibetan, and UFO offshoots, time travel, Qabalah, John Dee and Edward Kelly, and above all, synchronicity.
The enormous range of material in these works has been strongly criticised for its large number of factual errors and the manner of its linking together. Tenuous is a word that comes to mind. The main Montauk protagonists, Preston Nicholls, Duncan Cameron, and Al Bielek have been repeatedly harangued as barking-mad bullshitters, and general disinformation artists. There’s no doubt that their tales are about as outlandish as it’s possible to get even in a field full of wackos. The basics of the overall story are near to impossible to prove in any consensus way.
Like Morning of the Magicians I have put aside my doubts concerning the factual errors and occult gossip in order to appreciate what I consider to be the merits of the story and the way in which it is presented which could be considered a form of fantastic realism that does potentially deliver a genuine gnosis. What I find of continuing interest is the odyssey of Peter Moon who co-wrote the early works with Nicholls and went on to the solo projects at the end of the sequence.
At the very beginning of the story in The Montauk Project it is stated that ‘This book is an exercise in consciousness. It is an invitation to view time in a new manner and expand your awareness of the universe.’ Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal makes it clear that ‘It is absolutely crucial to realise that the Montauk Project itself, as originally recounted, is a blend of incredible legend and archetypal (cabalistic, if you will) mythology mixed with certain irrefutable facts.’ Montauk Revisited begins with Moon priming his readers with the most appropriate meta-perspective. ‘Perhaps the most important point in dealing with the phenomena of Montauk is that we are dealing with “the stuff of which dreams are made”. We are directly tapping into the creative zone of consciousness.’ As he investigated Montauk he found that a powerful process of synchronicity was unleashed that he happily went along with as it led him into ever more extraordinary territory. He was always aware that much of the information he was led to and some of the unusual characters he encountered could be considered dubious but the bigger process was more important.
Peter Moon is unique in as much as he had significant contact with two of the participants in the Babalon Working. He spent eleven years in Scientology, which included time in their elite Sea Org navy where he was able to observe L Ron Hubbard at close quarters. LRH features in all of the books from Montauk Revisited onwards and most extensively in The Montauk Book of the Dead, a fascinating and moving memoir that deals very clearly with why he presses so many buttons. It’s a useful corrective for those previously fed exclusively on anti-Ron material.
Much later he had a number of meetings with Marjorie Cameron during the last years of her life. She strongly communicated to him that synchronicity is the key to magic. This became his fundamental research tool. He eventually wrote a whole book on the subject of synchronicity as not just an acausal connecting principle as Jung would have it but an intelligent initiatory principle. A good example of how this manifested for Moon occurred on January 24th1986. He learned that L Ron Hubbard had died a few days earlier and then, literally within a few minutes, heard that the space shuttle had exploded. In Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal he described it as ‘like a one-two punch without any lag in between.’ It was as if the two events were connected. In terms of Moon’s personal destiny and the dream logic of synchronicity they were but it took a few years for him to interpret the meaning of this waking dream. Jack Parsons was responsible for the development of the shuttle fuel, subsequently dying in an explosion. Now, as LRH left his body, there was a powerful echo of their connection and an affirmation that these were not ordinary men but major game-players in a bigger picture. This was an event fine-tuned for Moon himself. He could have found out about Hubbard at any time in the previous few days. It could have been maybe a few more hours before hearing about the shuttle.
Looking for any possible verification, Moon read the immense autobiographical Confessions where Crowley mentioned that in 1918 ‘I spent the summer in a tent beyond Montauk at the extremity of Long Island.’ This was the period between the Amalantrah Working and the public appearance of the Lam picture. There was also mention of a Duncan Cameron as well. Moon considered this to be a synchronistic affirmation that his line of research was worthwhile.
Getting back to the basic Nicholls/Moon narrative, huge events began in August1983 when the big transmitter was turned on and left to run solidly for days. Suddenly, on the 12th, it fell into synchronisation with the Philadelphia Experiment and the USS Eldridge appeared at the end of the time vortex portal. It was exactly forty years on from the original event. Some arcane twenty-year planetary biorhythm sequence had made it possible to link in with 1943.
The August 12th date so significant in 1943 and 1983 was also the day that Crowley married Rose in 1903. It was mentioned in The Book of the Law where there are instructions for it to be a feast day. Thelemic orders and individuals honour it as a major date in their magickal calendar. It fitted in with the twenty-year planetary biorhythm cycle mystery. It was exactly forty years before the Philadelphia Experiment as that in turn was forty years before Montauk 1983. Moon eventually wondered if the famous prophetic verses in The Book of the Law concerning the forties and eighties referred to those very events. The eighties being ‘abased’ might hint at the catastrophic implosion of the Montauk Project.
Robert Anton Wilson encountered all kinds of people with Illuminati tales to tell. He kept to a wise agnosticism and stayed sane. John Keel knew that he was thoroughly in the depths of the Mothman mystery when weird phone-calls, messages, and meetings conveyed to him the apparent presence of a higher guiding intelligence. He came to distrust it as potentially a liar and trouble-maker. When we are led towards the possibilities that the Nazis were potentially tuned-in to the mysteries of the universe, had advanced scientific projects set up by ET contact and suchlike we need to be extremely cautious. I reiterate: at a point in the process archetypal stuff gets activated. As well as the synchronicity machine bringing pertinent data to hand, it may well also involve all kinds of people coming out of the woodwork who provide initiatory tests of discrimination.
I consider the Montauk legend and its potential trigger effect on consciousness to be a classic modern Aeon of Horus manifestation. It demonstrates the kind of things that can get activated when the necessary stimulus is applied. Moon’s connections back to the Babalon Working show perhaps the most powerful sign yet of the tangential ripples still moving ever outwards from the Parsonage. Looming behind the turbulence is Crowley himself, enigmatically at Montauk during the period of his extensive past-life considerations that took his consciousness outside the circles of time and brought the image of Lam into the world. Crowley’s ideas do rather seem to be able to press some spectacular on-buttons. When Shin, Kundalini, the Holy Spirit, gets increasingly switched on so the corresponding energies of oppression kick in.
With the ideas on Lam and the swastika in Black Sun and even more so with Shin in Synchronicity Moon has provided some very useful material in getting to grips with the issues raised in Extra-Terrestrial Gnosis concerning the forces activated. If some mysterious force had to use the vehicle of occult gossip and assorted semi-crazies to get it to surface then so be it.
Whatever the exasperation of the dedicated researcher and their laudable desire to establish consensus facts, let’s be clear here, in this work I am not just talking about history in itself but using history to put forth fantastic realism in the cause of magick and the New Aeon. Montauk and the Illuminati are great teaching tools to that end, calling us to develop a psychology able to accommodate and use such vehicles for the unveiling of our true shining genius rather than its distortion and destruction.