The greatest Glastonbury story I have ever heard concerns the epic 80s psychic quest of Andrew Collins that led him from the Somerset Star Temple to the Giza plateau and proved to be a huge inspiration and foundation for much of his future work.
I have featured this story, with varying levels of detail, in a number of my books, primarily Avalonian Aeon. Around the time of the spring equinox I felt inspired to isolate the story and tell it on its own, adding some fresh material. I have now completed this at the time of the summer solstice, which was the period that Andy completed his great adventure in 1985 and subsequently led a group including myself on a vision quest around the Glastonbury Zodiac in 1990.
Starting with the medieval Essex mystery of the Knights of Danbury, an
expansive odyssey leads to the Glastonbury Star Temple, a secret
Knights Templar ceremony, Black Alchemy, and a Hermetic blend that
reveals the Morphogenesis pattern and process understood and used by a
lost culture before the pyramids. The epic psychic quest was the root
of Andrew Collins later work and the initial inspiration for his
investigation of ancient hybrid strains of humanity from the legends of
the Nephilim to the Denisovans. The book also features the work of
Katharine Maltwood and Frederick Bligh Bond.
The cover art is by legendary psychic Bernard G who was such a vital part of Collins’ early work, particularly cult classic The Black Alchemist. The Glastonbury to Giza story sees him functioning at the peak of his powers.